ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MARKETING & MANAGEMENT REVIEW ISSN: 2319-2836 Impact Factor: 8.071 <p><strong>The aim of journal is to publish quality research articles in the fields of marketing and allied areas of management. It welcomes papers from both academicians and practitioners on conceptual paradigms, academic research, theories, business models, as well as organizational practices in marketing and management research. The goal of journal is to constitute a qualified and continual platform for sharing studies of academicians, researchers and practitioners. The journal welcomes manuscript submissions from scholars everywhere.</strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN: 2319-2836 </strong></p> <p><strong>Impact Factor: 8.071</strong></p> <div class="inr_header"> <h1>JOURNAL INDEXING</h1> </div> <div class="inr_con_cont"> <ul class="jr_ind_li"> <li>WZB-Wissenschatszentrum Berin Fur Sozialforschung</li> <li>Open J-Gate, INDIA</li> <li>ISSN:</li> <li>Electronic Journals Library-University Library of Regensburg</li> <li>Zeitschriftendatenbank-ZDB:German Journal Databank</li> <li>Global Impact Factor:</li> <li>SJIF Impact Factor:</li> <li><a href="">Google Scholar </a></li> </ul> </div> <p> </p> Green Earth Research Network (GERN) en-US ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MARKETING & MANAGEMENT REVIEW ISSN: 2319-2836 Impact Factor: 8.071 2319-2836 AUDIT STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION IN UZBEKISTAN BASED ON INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS <p>This article is written taking into account the requirements of international standards for the improvement of the Financial statements prepared in accordance with international financial reporting standards. One of the factors in the preparation of the report is its preparation on the basis of international financial reporting standards. The financial situation of the company is the basis for the evaluation of the conditions of high level of competitiveness and globalization of business. The reform of the accounting system in the Republic of Uzbekistan or the transition of national accounting practice to international accounting standards has a significant impact on the development of financial reporting in Uzbekistan. Fundamentals of auditing financial statements is international standards of auditing.</p> Ibragimova Iroda Rashid qizi Copyright (c) 2024 GEJournals 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 13 06 1 12