INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN COMMERCE, IT, ENGINEERING AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ISSN: 2349-7793 Impact Factor: 6.876 <p><strong>International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT, Engineering and Social Sciences is a leading international journal for publication of new ideas founded by engineers, academicians and corporate people. The IJRCIESS is not limited to a specific aspect of Commerce, Information Technology Engineering and Social Sciences but is instead devoted to a wide range of subfields in the IJCIESS. While it encourages a broad spectrum of contribution in the engineering sciences, its core interest lies in issues concerning material modeling and response. Articles of interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. The research results and fundamental advancement are all aspects of Engineering Trends &amp; Technology and various engineering discipline. IJRCIESS is a scholarly open access online Journal which helps to academic person as well as student community. IJRCIESS provides the academic community and industry for the submission of original research and applications related to various discipline.</strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN: 2349-7793</strong></p> <p><strong> Impact Factor: 6.876</strong></p> <div class="inr_header"> <h1>JOURNAL INDEXING</h1> </div> <div class="inr_con_cont"> <ul class="jr_ind_li"> <li>WZB-Wissenschatszentrum Berin Fur Sozialforschung</li> <li>Open J-Gate, INDIA</li> <li>ISSN</li> <li>Electronic Journals Library-University Library of Regensburg</li> <li>Zeitschriftendatenbank-ZDB:German Journal Databank</li> <li>Root Indexing</li> <li>SJIF Impact Factor:</li> <li><a href="">Google Scholar </a></li> </ul> </div> <p> </p> en-US INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN COMMERCE, IT, ENGINEERING AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ISSN: 2349-7793 Impact Factor: 6.876 2349-7793 DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY TO REDUCE OVEN LINING CORROSION <p>problems such as reducing corrosion of the lining of electric furnaces, ensuring the degree of corrosion of the furnace lining depending on the temperature of the liquid alloy, and the corrosion of the furnace lining depending on the chemical composition of the alloy being liquefied have been solved.</p> Bekchanova Valida Baxram qizi Karimov Boxodir Yusufjonovich Copyright (c) 2024 GEJournals 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 18 03 1 4 ATTITUDE TO THE WORLD OF BIRDS IN "MAHBUB UL-QULUB". <p>This article studies the attitude to the world of birds in “ Mahbub ul – qulub “ and summarizes the process of raising a common bird as a game bird.</p> Bafoeva Maftuna Botir kizi Copyright (c) 2024 GEJournals 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 18 03 5 7 A Comparative Analysis of Feminine Spaces in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart and Beckett’s Waiting For Godot <p>The paper interrogates the similarities in how females are portrayed in Achebe’s <em>Things Fall Apart</em> and Beckett’s <em>Waiting for Godot</em>. The paper aims to highlight the similarities between the two texts regarding female spaces. This study employed a qualitative research approach and used desktop research methodology. Phenomenology theoretical locale was adopted to underpin the study. The study shows that there are more similarities than variations in the spaces provided to females in the two texts.&nbsp; Some similarities include seclusion from male activities, inferiority complex, oppression from self-expression, hindrance or delayed marriages, and being used as sacrificial lambs. On the other hand, Achebe uses real female characters while Beckett portrays female characteristics through males. Finally, the portrayal of women as weaker vessels in both texts is an act of male supremacy which should be discouraged in today’s societies so that females are given literary spaces.</p> Pethias Siame Jive Lubbungu Djalilova Malika Shuxratovna Copyright (c) 2024 GEJournals 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 18 03 8 19