
  • Saydullayeva Saodat Abdumajidovna Senior teacher, Tashkent International University of Financial Management and Technologies


higher education system, education, performance indicators, education for sustainable development, indicators, determinant, indicators of development of higher education, econometric modeling, assessment, model, forecast.


This article argues that as higher education institutions seek to incorporate sustainable development principles into their education systems, it becomes increasingly important to identify indicators that can measure their institutional contributions in a meaningful and internationally comparable manner. Examines the use of performance indicators, quality assessment and influencing factors in higher education institutions. Scientific research into improving the efficiency of the educational process using economic and statistical methods, econometric modeling of the process and the development of multifactor forecasting options, as well as multifactor econometric models for assessing factors influencing the increase in the efficiency of the educational process in the higher education system. the system has been developed.


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