Underground mine mining systems and technological parameters of mine development
planning, mineral reserves preparedness, standard, mine-technical system, production block, mining plan, mineral miningAbstract
It is very important to provide mines with accessed, prepared and ready for extraction mineral reserves per production blocks at the stage of underground mine planning and design. Preparedness standards depend on geological and geotechnical conditions of mining, flow processes and intensity of first mining per levels. Sustainability of a mine is conditioned by the accepted systems of mine planning and design, production control and and product quality evaluation. Sound standards of prepared and ready for extraction reserves promotes efficiency of underground mine planning and improvement of technical and economic performance. Improved sustainability of operating mines ensures mine project productivity, uniformity of mining and quality of end product. The presented preparedness standards used in planning mining expansion per underground mines in the Republic are reflective of technological progress and take into account geological conditions of specific deposits. Adherence to these standards when substantiating the number of production blocks in underground mining enables the accomplishment of planned production. Some gap in the presented standards of mineral preparedness for extraction means that these values should refine per specific mines.
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