Restoration of names of works of art in English from the point of view of linguistic pragmatics and linguo-cultural


  • Akhmedov Umid Kokand State Pedagogigcal Institute Uzbekistan English language teacher


linguacultural, paremibiology, anthroponym, adequate


In this article, the features of preserving the names of works of art in English from the point of view of linguistic pragmatics and linguacultural science are explained. In addition, attempts are made to observe and research the local linguistic cultures of the science in the quality of anthroponyms and expressions, similes and metaphors in the object of the Uzbek language. The burden of the nomination process depends on the semantic requirements of the interpretation in linguistics. The linguistic pragmatics and linguacultural logical changes of the names of works of art in English are adek (similar), some of them are not only in terms of content, but also about the production and research of correct structures. get information. 


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How to Cite

Akhmedov Umid. (2022). Restoration of names of works of art in English from the point of view of linguistic pragmatics and linguo-cultural. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact Factor: 8.036, 11(09), 278–281. Retrieved from