The linguists’ researches related to etymology and etymological dictionaries of English language


  • Saparova Mokhira Fayzullayevna Ma’mun University in Khiva, Uzbekistan
  • Shakirova Inobat English teacher, Uzbekistan


Etymologists, dialectological, comparative method, semantic change


In linguistics, the term etymon refers to a word or morpheme (e.g., stem or root ) from which a later word derives. For example, the Latin word candidus, which means "white", is the etymon of English candid.


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How to Cite

Saparova Mokhira Fayzullayevna, & Shakirova Inobat. (2022). The linguists’ researches related to etymology and etymological dictionaries of English language. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact Factor: 8.036, 11(01), 218–220. Retrieved from