Communicative-pragmatic direction in the study of phraseological units and their derivatives in French and Uzbek.


  • Nortoeva Nodira Muhammadalievna Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages, lecturer at the Department of Theory and Practice of the French Language.


phraseological units, phraseological derivation, the communicative-pragmatic aspects, linguoculturology, a pragmatic effect, semantics contains, a complex relationship


This article discusses the communicative-pragmatic aspects of phraseological units are studied in linguistics, and they are considered as a certain tool in creating the socio-psychological aspects of the language


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How to Cite

Nortoeva Nodira Muhammadalievna. (2023). Communicative-pragmatic direction in the study of phraseological units and their derivatives in French and Uzbek. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact Factor: 8.036, 12(01), 49–50. Retrieved from