epic genre, philosophical novel, genre, mythological thinking, mythopoetic philosophical novel, ancient novel, myth, neomythology, novel image, writer's concept.Abstract
This article examines the issues of philosophical novels and mythological thinking. It is relevant that The development of the novel genre began with the ancient novel - it is an epic genre created in Greek and Roman literature in the 1st-4th centuries AD, the artistic creation of the Turkic peoples is related to the very ancient times of the modern age, with the creation of Orhun-Enasoy written monuments, the only work of the Arab thinker Abubakir ibn Tufail, who was born in Wadi-Ash, which was under the occupation of Arab Muslims in Spain in the 12th century, is the only work that has reached us - the novel "Yakson oglu Hai" which was of great importance in the emergence of world philosophical novels, the modern Uzbek writer Khurshid Dostmuhammed's "The Wise Sisyphus" artistic features of the novel - in the mythopoetic philosophical novel, the writer refers to the ancient myth of Sisyphus and creates his updated (neo-mythology) myth, many Uzbek proverbs and expressions are used in the interpretation process. Through the image of Sisyphus, it is revealed that it is depicted as a symbolic interpretation of human pains, thoughts and worries.
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