The structure of fuzzy multiple model of assessing students' knowledge, skills and qualification in higher education


  • Kamal Ilalovich Kalimbetov An assistant lecturer for Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz
  • Biybinaz Kenesbayevna Turemuratova Second year student of the Nukus branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi the Faculty of "Computer Engineering" the major "Computer Engineering"
  • Aruxan Baxtiyarovna Bekbergenova Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz, second year student of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics


Indefinite-set, indefinite functions, indefinite term-set, indefinite base, indefinite equations, maximum value.


Teaching students with modern knowledge, the formation of independent learning skills, the creative application of acquired knowledge is one of the main issues of modern education. Experienced educators are increasingly focusing on the creation of pedagogical technologies or teaching technologies, rather than continuing to look for ways to reform the teaching process. The term "pedagogical technology" appeared in foreign countries in the early 60s of the last century. has been published in the series.

            In order to improve the quality of education, it is necessary to update the system of student assessment, that is, to develop personality, broaden the imagination, enrich thinking and create a system of assessment management in the subject, based on solid mathematical methods.

            The article develops an algorithm for solving the problem of taking students to the new stage of the assessment process, that is, the algorithm of the assessment system.

            The relationship between the criteria of assessment in decision-making in teaching and assessment of students of higher education institutions in the context of a large amount of information that is not fixed, the solution of the problem of improving the system of knowledge assessment.

An algorithm for the selection and evaluation of methods for the organization and effective teaching of computer science differentiated according to the type of education system and the choice of forms and methods of teaching computer science, the organization of teaching, methods of teaching computer science, forms and methods of teaching computer science.


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How to Cite

Kamal Ilalovich Kalimbetov, Biybinaz Kenesbayevna Turemuratova, & Aruxan Baxtiyarovna Bekbergenova. (2022). The structure of fuzzy multiple model of assessing students’ knowledge, skills and qualification in higher education. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact Factor: 8.036, 11, 4–8. Retrieved from