Some techniques and approaches to teaching foreign languages at higher educational institutions


  • Khalilova Himoyat Khatamovna Tashkent Institute of Finance


competence, communication, independent activity , integration, educational process , productive cooperation, active teaching methods, traditional teaching, individual opportunities, cognitive process , language proficiency


he article reveals some interesting methods of teaching foreign language as a second  language. Nowadays  education system forms  an   environment of knowledge,  as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of language learners. The main task of the teachers of educational institutions  is the search for methods for the development of educational competencies for students learning the language as a condition for ensuring the quality of the program.



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How to Cite

Khalilova Himoyat Khatamovna. (2022). Some techniques and approaches to teaching foreign languages at higher educational institutions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact Factor: 8.036, 11, 9–13. Retrieved from