
  • Yakubov Salimjon Iminzhanovich Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, member of the Scientific and Technical Council of the "Association of Enterprises of Alternative Fuels and Energy" of the Republic of Uzbekistan,[email protected]
  • Sarynsakhodzhaev Askar Rakhmetkhodzhaevich Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior researcher at the National Research Institute of Renewable Energy Sources under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Yunusova Farida Rakhmonberdievna Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Organization and Technology of Construction, ‘‘TIIAME” National Research University, [email protected]
  • Irmuhamedova Lyudmila Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Organization and Technology of Construction, “TIIAME” National Research University [email protected]


organic coal fertilizers, man-made formations - carbon-containing coal waste, humus, humins, soil fertility, inoculation,


One of the man-made formations during coal mining at the Angrensky open-pit mine is coal-containing waste. Such carbon-containing wastes are excellent resources for producing organic fertilizers. The agricultural sector of Uzbekistan is developing rapidly, and issues of soil fertility are becoming more pressing. The article discusses some aspects, in particular organo-mineral fertilizers obtained from technogenic carbon-containing waste. The results of agrochemical research, the technological possibility of obtaining a pilot batch of organic fertilizer “Superhumus” on the field conditions of the production site of the Angrenskaya lignite open-pit mine are presented.


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How to Cite

Yakubov Salimjon Iminzhanovich, Sarynsakhodzhaev Askar Rakhmetkhodzhaevich, Yunusova Farida Rakhmonberdievna, & Irmuhamedova Lyudmila. (2024). ORGANIC FERTILIZER FROM TECHNOGENIC COAL WASTE – IN ISSUES OF SOIL FERTILITY AND YIELD PRODUCTIVITY. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact Factor: 8.036, 13(01), 5–12. Retrieved from