The reflection of the writer’s psychology through psychological principles in the epic “Sabai Sayyar”


  • Shamsiyeva Huriyat Qulmurod qizi a second-year student of Master’s Degree at Karshi State University


Alisher Navoi, “Sabai Sayyar”, style, principle, seven colors, dynamic, typological, analytical, mental state.


The article deals with the epic of Navoi “Sabai Sayyar” about the use of words related to psychology, in particular, the analysis of the psyche. It was revealed that the principles of psychology are a means of expressing various situations, as well as creating a certain style of depiction in a play.


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How to Cite

Shamsiyeva Huriyat Qulmurod qizi. (2022). The reflection of the writer’s psychology through psychological principles in the epic “Sabai Sayyar”. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact Factor: 8.036, 11(05), 51–56. Retrieved from