
  • Odina Teshabaeva lecturer of Economics and Service, Fergana State University
  • Asiljon Yulchiev lecturer of Economics and Service, Fergana State University

Parole chiave:

Tourism industry, marketing, hotel, tourism.


To further improve the quality of services for tourists visiting our country and to attract the attention of the world community as a country with a tourism industry that fully meets market requirements. The development of the tourism industry has turned many places into tourist destinations: resorts or temporary stops, the impact and consequences of this industry vary depending on the size and relative importance of the local community.

Riferimenti bibliografici

"Uzbekiston havo yollari" tomonidan olingan malumotlar.

Mirzaev P. Bus for tourists// Pravda Vostoka gazetasi 2004 yil 5 August.

Nasridinovna, T. O. (2022). The role of tourism in the development of the economy and increasing its attractiveness in the republic of Uzbekistan. Asia pacific journal of marketing & management review ISSN: 2319-2836 Impact Factor: 7.603, 11(01), 14-20.

Nasridinovna, T. O., & Nodirbek Ne’matillo o’g, Y. (2022). Improvement of the system of services for taxpayers by the tax authorities in Uzbekistan. Asia pacific journal of marketing & management review ISSN: 2319-2836 Impact Factor: 7.603, 11(01), 21-25.

Тешабаева, О. Н. (2019). Эффективное развитие рекламной маркетинговой деятельности в современном бизнесе. In Тенденции развития мировой торговли в XXI веке (pp. 116-119).

Abdubannob o'g'li, M. A. (2021, June).Innovative marketing strategies in the development of tourism services in Uzbekistan. In "Online-conferences" platform (pp. 52-56).

Тешабаева,О. Н. (2020). Механизмы организации предпринимательской-инвестиционной деятельности экономики Узбекистана. In Минтақа иқтисодиётини инвестициялашнинг молиявий-ҳуқуқий ва инновацион жиҳатлари (pp. 537-540).

Axunova, O., Teshabaeva, O., & Yulchiev, A. (2021). Analysis of the status, movement and level of funding of fund funds in foreign enterprises. Academicia: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 11(3), 450-460.

Тешабаева, О. Н., & Нишонбоев, Д. Э. Ў. (2021). Корхоналарнинг мaркетинг салоҳиятини бахолаш омиллари. Scientific progress, 2(7), 657-661.

Teshabaeva, O., Abdullaeva, M., & Aminjonova, V. (2022). The role and importance of entrepreneurship and small business in the national economy. International journal of social science & Interdisciplinary Research Issn: 2277-3630 Impact factor: 7.429, 11, 183-191.

Olimova, N., Teshabaev, O., & Usmonaliev, I. (2022). Possibilities of choosing the strategy of anti-crisis and competitive management based on the own economic potential of the enterprise. International journal of social science & interdisciplinary research ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact factor: 7.429, 11, 179-182.

Nasridinovna, T. O. (2022). Use of main production facilities and economic activities of foreign textile enterprise. International journal of research in commerce, it, engineering and social sciences ISSN: 2349-7793 Impact Factor: 6.876, 16(01), 45-52.


