
  • Bayxonov Baxodirjon Tursunbayevich Professor of Tashkent International University of Financial Management and Technology, doctor of Economics


hidden economy, informal sector, labor resources, labor market transformation, gross domestic product, economic development, employment indicators, tax policy, socio-economic conditions, economy of Uzbekistan.


This article explores the hidden economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its impact on the transformation of labor resources. Using a comprehensive analytical framework, the study assesses the size, structure and dynamics of the hidden economy of Uzbekistan and its impact on the distribution of labor resources, productivity and income distribution. Through qualitative and quantitative data analysis, the study identifies key factors that drive the hidden economy, such as regulatory burdens, tax policies, and socioeconomic conditions. The results of the study show that the hidden economy has a significant impact on the change in the labor market, which leads to changes in employment, skill use and labor force participation. This study will help to deeper understand the role of the hidden economy in the formation of labor dynamics in transitional economies such as Uzbekistan.

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