
  • Tugizova Malika Sokhib kizi Tashkent State University of Economics., Uzbekistan 3rd year student of Faculty of Finance and accounting


investment climate, business environment, international organizations, foreign companies, and business entities.


The main task of the Strategic Development Agency is to reveal and solve strategic issues by creating a favorable investment climate and business environment. It has not been long since the establishment of the Agency for Strategic Development. The main task of the Strategic Development Agency (SRA) is to reveal and solve strategic issues by creating a favorable investment climate and business environment to create opportunities for the implementation of large strategic investment projects that can make a significant contribution to the development of regions and economic sectors.


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Bekmurodov A. Sh. Karrieva Ya.K. Ne'matov U. I., Nabiev, D. H., n. t. Kattaev foreign investment. Training guide. –T.:Department Of Economics, 2010.-166 b.

Нигматов, Х., & Турсунбаев, Б. Х. (2017). Методика расчета радиуса атома водорода и других элементов таблицы Менделеева. Инновации в науке, (8 (69)), 17-19.

Kh, N. To a technique of maintenance of information safety in networks and systems of telecommunication. Tretya Mejdunarodnaya sentralno-Aziatskaya konferensiya. Na angl. yazike ICI-2007 i ITRA-2007 g. Parij.

Нигматов, Х., Турсунбаев, Б. Х., & Турсунбаев, Т. Б. (2020). НОВАЯ ИНТЕРПРЕТАЦИЯ РЕЗУЛЬТАТОВ ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТА ПО ВИЗУАЛИЗАЦИЮ СТРУКТУРЫ АТОМА ВОДОРОДА. Евразийский союз ученых, (7-2), 64-68.


