Problems of export development in agriculture and marketing tasks in it


  • Usmonova Dilfuza Ilkhomovna Assistant professor of Samarkand Institute of Economic and Service, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


agricultural products, crop production, fruits and vegetables.


The country is implementing comprehensive measures aimed at expanding the production, storage, processing and export of fruits and vegetables. In order to implement projects for the intensive development of fruit and vegetable growing, acreage has been significantly expanded, additional capacities for storage and processing of fruits and vegetables have been launched, financial resources are attracted, including funds from international financial institutions. actively involved. For example, in January-December 2019, 8% of investments in the amount of 189924.3 billion soums were directed to the agricultural sector.


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Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-5057 dated May 25, 2017 "On measures to further stimulate exports and increase the competitiveness of domestic products in foreign markets."

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