
  • Komilova Dilafruz Rustamovna Master's student., Tashkent State University of Economics., Uzbekistan


In recent decades, the concept of economics has received more attention in the literature due to its rapid growth and dramatic impact on various aspects of the social and economic system. Sharing economy platforms, particularly popular during the COVID-19 pandemic, define the sharing economy as "the peer-to-peer sharing of access to underutilized goods and services that prioritizes use and accessibility over ownership." As Stefani (2015) states, the sharing economy is "the value of taking underutilized assets and making them available online for society, resulting in a reduced need for ownership.


Guzhin A.A., Guzhina G.N. Material interests in the system of economic growth // Moscow Scientific Review. 2012. No. 12-1. P. 6

Guzhina G.N. Socio-economic essence and principles of formation of a strategic management system // Bulletin of the Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University. 2009. No. 6 (11). P. 141.

Ivanov M.A., Guzhina G.N. Features of risk management in market conditions // Bulletin of the Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University. 2009. No. 7 (12). P. 198.

Nazarshoev N.M., Guzhina G.N., Guzhin A.A., Ezhkova V.G. Business development strategy as a tool for managing competitiveness // Innovation and Investment. 2016. No. 4. P. 90-92.

Ogoleva L.N. Innovative management: Textbook / Ed. Doctor of Economics, prof. L.N. Ogolevoy. - M.: INFRA-M, 2006, - 238 p.


