
  • Kuzieva Dinora Bakhodirovna PhD, senior lecturer of the department "Audit" Tashkent Institute of Finance


audit risk, auditing, materiality, audit planning, indicators, reporting.


Professional (audit) risk consists of accepting and expressing in the auditor’s report an incorrect opinion about the reliability of the statements of the audited enterprise. Something to pay attention to here, that the auditor confirms the reliability not of every figure in the reporting, but the reliability of the reporting “in all significant aspects.” Otherwise, in our opinion, the reporting could not be confirmed at all. Thus, audit risk is inextricably linked with the concept of materiality.


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D.B.Kuzieva “The ways of assessment and minimization of audit risk” monograph, Tashkent - 2024 year;

R.A. Kostyrko “Risk Assessment Framework for Financial Statement Audits”, 2005 - p 32;

Terekhov A.A. Audit. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2009 - p 401

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