
  • Bunyod Usmonov International School of Finance and Technology, Uzbekistan


equity, return on equity, debt capital, factor analysis.


To determine the efficiency of using sources of asset formation, in particular equity capital, it is necessary to analyze them. The efficiency of capital use is characterized by the profitability indicator. To study the influence of factors on the profitability indicator comprehensively and at the same time compactly, it is necessary to use factor analysis.


Dushina E. Yu., Bessonova E.A. Profitability as the main indicator of the efficiency of an enterprise // Current problems of accounting, analysis and audit, 2016. – p. 252 – 257

Ilysheva N.N. Analysis of financial statements [Text]: textbook. A manual for university students studying in the specialty “Accounting, Analysis and Audit”, “Finance and Credit” / N.N. Ilysheva, S.I. Krylov. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. – 431 p.;

Assessment and analysis of the efficiency of the enterprise [Text] / M. U. Baysaeva, A. Kh. Muzaeva // Bulletin of the Chechen State University. – 2015. – No. 4. – pp. 65-68

Tolpegina, O.A. Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity [Text]: textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree.: in 2 hours. Part 2 / O. A. Tolpegina, N. A. Tolpegina. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - Moscow: Yurayt, 2016. – 173 p.

Economic analysis and audit of the activities of commercial organizations [Text]: textbook / V.V. Alekseeva, E.A. Bessonova, N.A. Gracheva [and others]; under general ed. E.A. Bessonova; South-West state univ. – Kursk, 2015. – 311 p.

Innovative management of the activities of manufacturing enterprises based on the introduction of controlling / Bessonova E.A., Domkhokova T.V. // Bulletin of the Kursk State Agricultural Academy. 2014. No. 2. P. 18-21.

Internal control and analytical support of the management process / Orlova S.A., Alekseeva V.V., Bessonova E.A., Gracheva N.A., Polishchuk O.A., Ronzhina M.A., Kharina N. L.L., Shumakova L.I., Milgunova I.V. // Kursk-Orel, 2012.

Economic efficiency rating of russian industrial enterprises/ Ovcharenko Yu.V., Bessonova E.A.// International Review of Management and Marketing. 2016. Т. 6. № 3. С. 448-453.


