
  • A.Kh. Khotamov Tashkent State University of Economics Senior teacher of the "Audit" department, PhD


Accounting, audit, light industry enterprises, finished product, export, basic internal standards, IT-audit, digital audit.


This article analyzes the issues of improving the auditing of finished products and exports in light industry enterprises. The possibilities of using the analytical process (analytical process) in improving the audit of the finished product are highlighted. The tasks of the audit of the development and sale of finished products in light industry are discussed. In addition, the issues of improving the internal audit system and increasing transparency through the use of digital audit were raised. An analysis of the objectives of the audit in light industry enterprises and the main tasks to be addressed by the auditor was performed.


Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 5, 2021 No 280 "On measures to improve the system of training staff of the Internal Audit Service."

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