
  • KHAFIZOVA ZULFIYA KHOLMURATOVNA Senior Lecturer of the Department “Land Use”, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Way Mechanization Engineers, Uzbekistan

Parole chiave:

Salinization, Irrigation, Soil, Monitoring, Flushing, Groundwater, Uzbekistan


In the global aspect, problems associated with irrigation and land reclamation are being studied globally, especially in regions with arid and semiarid zones. Agriculture is based on irrigated agriculture in the arid and semi-arid regions (Uzbekistan, Central Asian countries). There are many problems such as poor soil conditions and land quality, salinization and pollution of irrigated soils, groundwater and water sources. All these problems negatively affect the ecological environment, and one of the reasons for their appearance is the improper water management of irrigation systems. Soil salinization is considered from two sides, the first as a process that appeared for natural reasons and conditions. The second one is the intervention of people in the irrigation process. The highest salinity occurs when people intervene in the ecosystem. The biggest problem in Central Asia is the Aral Sea disaster, the depletion of its water resources. The consequences of this disaster were salinization in irrigated agriculture. This problem is common in Central Asia for over 8 thousand years.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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