
  • G. SENTHIL KUMAR *Assistant Professor, Department of Livestock Business Management, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai – 600007.

Parole chiave:

Training, Feedback, Impact, Personality Development, Business Motivation.


A study was carried out to assess the impact of the training programme among Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS) students on “Personality Development and Livestock Business Motivation”, which was conducted at Madras Veterinary College, Chennai on 26.03.2011 at Madras Veterinary College. Among Third year students, 36 B.V.Sc. and A.H and 15 B.Tech (FPT) students comprising of about 18 girls participated in the Programme. The training was evaluated by collecting evaluation sheets at the end of the Programme and were analyzed by the simple average and percentage analysis, independent sample t tests and one way ANOVA. The results implied that the training was well received by the participants. The scores given for all the sessions were above or nearly

4.00. The overall assessment on Trainer, Syllabus, Teaching aid, Training environment and Game orientation was found to be very good as perceived by the Participants. Group-wise self improvement assessment implied that there was no significant difference between B.V.Sc. & A.H and B.Tech (FPT) students as well as between the students of rural and urban locality. The variable, Gender found to have significant influence on self improvement score for skill and personality development through this training. The variable Community had significant influence on the self improvement score on Team Spirit. As a whole, Majority (96.08 per cent) of the participants preferred to undergo similar training. Thus the study clearly envisaged that the training had improved the personality and motivated the livestock business attitude of the participants as reflected in their feedback. Hence, similar training may be conducted specifically on need basis among student community for their betterment in their careers..

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