
  • Jabborov Jahongir Abduvohid o'g'li Graduate student of Termiz State University, Uzbekistan
  • Ollokulova Feruza Mansurovna Associate Professor, Ph.D, Department of Finance and Financial Technologies. Termiz State University, Uzbekistan

Parole chiave:

financing methods, agricultural sustainability, innovative finance, economic landscape, financial institutions, agricultural development.


It is important to develop and implement measures aimed at financial support of the agricultural sector. In particular, it is appropriate to finance animal husbandry, horticulture, vegetable growing, greenhouses, poultry farming and other areas from the fund in the direction of providing subsidies. In terms of credit allocation, long-term preferential loans and leases to the agricultural sector by the state through commercial banks, as well as compensation from state funds for a certain period of time to partially cover the loans allocated by commercial banks.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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