Analysis of the English translation of phraseological units in the novel "The Scorpion from the Altar"


  • Nematova Nargiza Azimovna NavDPI, Faculty of Foreign Languages

Parole chiave:

Metaphor, image, metaphor, metonymy, aphorism.


Stable connections, aphorisms, polysemy of the word, the use of figurative meanings of the word and speech of characters in the article, the appropriate placement of figurative images in them serve to increase the effectiveness of the work, artistry - to enhance the image. All of the above ideas are embodied in Abdullah Qadiri's The Scorpion from the Altar, and their connotative meanings have been discussed in the English translation.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Tukhtasinov, U. Yoldoshev, A. Gamidov. "Scorpion from the Altar" 2019. Tashkent.

Kadyry Abdullah. Scorpion from the altar. Tashkent. 2015. P5

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Khodjiev A. Dictionary of synonyms of the Uzbek language. Tashkent.


